Professor of Practice

About Us

The National Education Policy 2020 seeks to transform higher education by focusing on skill- based education to meet needs of the industry and the economy. Further, the NEP also recommends integrating vocational education with general education and strengthening industry-academia collaboration in HEIs. For skilling of youth at the optimum level, learners are required to think like employers and employers are to think like learners. Towards this, the UGC has taken a new initiative to bring the industry and other professional expertise into the academic institutions through a new category of positions called “Professor of Practice”. This will help to take real world practices and experiences into the class rooms and also augment the faculty resources in higher education institutions. In turn, the industry and society will benefit from trained graduates equipped with the relevant skills.

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University Grants Commission (UGC) Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi - 110002


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+91 79 2326 8279 (For Technical Query)